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Old July 3rd, 2011, 07:23 PM   #1
VEF Ruler
Rule Keeper
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 161
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Thanked 8,231 Times in 62 Posts
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Arrow Forum Rules / [updated: 07-02-24] Posting guideline

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V.E.F. Forum Rules

Take time to read the rules and post accordingly

Note that the 'Do not post any' section in this post is the only current and valid list of what is not allowed to be posted on VEF. It will be updated when necessary. Same goes for the other rules: when anything gets updated in the forum rules, the tag [updated 'date of the update'] will be modified in the thread title to indicate there were changes. Check up on this post to see the changes made when that happens.

Big thanks to all the good posters we have here at VEF, for whom these rules are not really needed, as you already do great work!

Basic Rules:
  • you must be at least 18 years of age.
  • use the English language on the forum, but remember this is an international forum, so use plain English. Also do not use text speak or 'slang' - expressions in the category of "dude", "bitch" and "ho" are unwanted.
  • don't forget this is a vintage erotica forum. Material released after 1995 is off topic in the 'Classic' and 'Vintage' forums. Only exceptions are that in the threads of Classic models and celebs, their recent work is also allowed, and in 'Classic Movies' and 'Classic & Vintage Magazines,' material released up until 1997 is allowed.
  • make your requests to the appointed request forums:
    - Magazine Request
    - Model ID Request
    - Classic Pornstar Movie Clips Request
    - Classic Movie Request
    - Classic Movie ID Request
    - Classic Celebrity Requests
    - Vintage Celebrity Requests
    - Modern Celebrity Requests
    - Other Requests.
    Do not make them in the other forums.
  • take care of your account and login - keep it safe, use a strong password! ... not "12345" or your username as password. If your account gets "hacked" and abused to spread spam, malware or phishing, you will get banned. Do not complain to us if that happens, it is your responsibility.
  • VEF moderators reserve the right to remove or edit posts without notice. When this happens - do not repost! Due to our limited resources, you may not receive a message explaining the removal. An explanation will almost always be found in the Forum Rules.
  • we expect some level of commitment and participation in the forum. We understand that not everybody can contribute to the topics, that's no problem. Stick to the forum rules, thank the posters and remember that it's give and take. We will not tolerate members who only request or break the rules.

Immediate Ban will follow on:
  • posting ch1ld pornography or any material featuring models under 18 years old in sexual poses
  • posting material that glorifies rape
  • posting material that glorifies nazis
  • posting sadistic violence, extreme S&M, or extreme perverse material like scat
  • having attitude problems towards the moderators or fellow members
  • ignoring forum rules big time when posting - then there will be no two warning steps
  • posting spam, phishing, viruses or malware

Banning Procedure:

Besides an immediate ban, forum staff use a 3-step banning system. Moderators can choose to use PM's to give you some free advice, but official procedures when a member breaks forum or posting rules are:
  • first offence: you will receive an official warning, which will be logged.
  • second offence: you will receive an official penalty, which will be logged
  • third offence: you will be banned - your VEF account will be blocked permanently

Banned hosts, services and sites:

Do not post any content from the following performers and producers:

  • Alexandra Quinn, pre-1991
  • Babeflix
  • BD Hotgirls
  • Becky Lebeau
  • Bravo (German teen magazine)
  • BlackCatScans
  • Fantasyone
  • Gentle Angels
  • Juventa Club
  • KettyDreams (aka Ketty, Mariner, Olga, Julia)
  • Linsey Dawn McKenzie, pre-1997
  • Hotpinktv
  • Misty Regan, pre-1981
  • Pretty Virgins
  • Softbodies
  • Traci Lords

Be aware that several websites, link redirects, link protectors, file/image hosts and streaming content providers are banned from use at VEF. If posted, they will get automatically censored, making them look something like this: *******.com. When that happens then stop using them and remove the censored links from your post. There are too many to list, but here are some examples:
  • ImageTwist
  • TurboImage
  • ...
All links to filehosts must be available for free download. Links that require premium account are not allowed.

Note that link protectors are not allowed - use plain links. Of the link redirects only is allowed, and of the streaming content providers only &

Not allowed:
  • all big letter/CAPS/UPPER-CASE posts and thread titles, SHOUTING
  • asking for trade, offering/promising money or any other form of payment/trade for goods and/or services
  • asking the same question or making the same request more than once
  • being disrespectful
  • bumping threads
  • bypassing the rules - offering material that is not allowed or censored in the forum via an alternative route
  • claiming links are not working when they are fine
  • complete quotes when there is no real need to
  • copying and pasting someone else's post(s)and links(s) and reposting them here. Downloading a version that a member has posted, creating your own screenshots, and uploading that same version on a different, faster, free user host is allowed in most sections. Read the section rules to make sure it is allowed.
  • creating and using more then one user account
  • hotlinking (direct linking) images and/or media from other websites - use free file/image hosts
  • encrypted links containers (dlc) as only download option in a post - only use as secondary option posted below regular links
  • foul language, swearing, flaming
  • flooding the forum with posts or short replies
  • harassing fellow members
  • insults
  • creating polls in content threads
  • invading the privacy of others by posting personal data, pictures, information from Facebook, MSN, etc.
  • linking to other forums, blogs, boards, newsgroups or torrent sites
  • linking to sites that are not freely accessible and/or members only
  • making frequent requests
  • making (download) links only available via PM, mail, messengers or Asking for/demading thanks be given before material/upgrades are posted... links should be accessible to all members.
  • political statements in signatures and posts - only in General Discussion & News is discussion of politics allowed
  • posting and sharing paysite members-area passes or passwords
  • posting bestiality
  • posting e-mail addresses
  • posting fakes in the regular model and celeb threads, Classic Celebrity fakes can be posted here, Vintage Celebrity fakes are here, and Modern Celebrity fakes can be found here.
  • posting images and/or videos that feature ch1ldren in general or celebs and models with (their) ch1ldren
  • posting music/albums in .mp3 or other audio formats, use youtube to interact on music
  • posting QR codes, using them as avatars or signatures, distributing them via downloads or private messages
  • posting software seri@ls, keyg3ns and/or cr@cked software
  • posting your own or others' personal data/information
  • pretending or posing as someone else and/or making false accusations and/or complaints
  • promoting your own business or websites
  • racist comments or material
  • requesting banned content: check the "do not post any" list above to see what is not allowed
  • rude or foul comments (on celebs, models, fellow members, etc.)
  • sending moderators/forum staff personal messages (PM's) requesting ID's, movies or pictures
  • signature banners (images) promoting external websites, blogs, forums, groups, etc.
  • signature links (hyperlinks in your signature) to external websites, blogs, forums, groups, etc.
  • signature text promoting external websites, blogs, forums, groups, etc.
  • spammy external links, e.g. userca$, linkb$cks, etc.
  • starting double threads - use forum search to see if there is already an existing thread - if there is, then contribute to that thread
  • swearing/cursing - even in censored form it is not allowed, so no "f*ck, c*nt ..." etc.
  • trading, private ads, offering of goods or services
  • trolling and or inciting arguments
  • underage nude/nudism
  • using this site for commercial activities

Things to take in account:
  • Add screencaps/preview with movie and clip posts
  • Do not double post within the same model/celeb thread or in the Classic & Vintage Magazines, Classic Movies and Modern forums
  • Do not ignore PM's from the moderators
  • Do not post one image per reply unless you have only one to post - combine them in a single reply
  • Do not post short comments or short 'thank you' posts - use the button
  • Do not quote entire (content) posts when replying - always remove links to filehosts and all non relevant images and text, leaving a maximum of 2 to 3 images
  • Don't forget to the posters - without them there would be no posts and no VEF
  • Give credit where credit is due, thank the original poster
  • Keep it on topic in the threads
  • Links should be freely accessible to all members
  • Post requests in the appointed request forum
  • Post to the correct forum
  • Standard thumbnail sizes (maximum 200 x 200 px) must be used on all posts.
  • The only area where Animated GIFs are allowed to be directly posted is the Funnies Section. Any Animated GIFs posted in any other part of the Forum (including Visitor Messages) must only contain the link to the GIF. GIFs are allowed in Classic Celeb Gifs, Vintage Celeb Gifs, and Modern Celeb Gifs, but their thumbnails in the post must be still.
  • When posts do not conform to the site rules, we reserve the right to edit or remove them without notice

Specific posting rules of individual forums:

Please note: All members should read the specific posting rules for each section as any changes made there may not be reflected here:

Image Hosts:

Use a host that includes a gallery for easy browsing & downloading.
Examples:Any posts made using an image host that does not support a gallery option are subject to removal without notice.

  • if you have problems completing your registration and/or you did not receive an activation email (make sure that you entered a correct (no typos) and valid e-mail adress during registration), then you can ask for assistance in this thread. Until you complete your registration you will not have full access and posting rights.
  • if you lost your password and want to have it reset and emailed to you, then go to this page. Note: you need to provide the email address at which your account was registered ... the reset password will be mailed only to that email address. If your account was registered under an address to which you no longer have access, then you can ask for help in this thread.
  • if you are stuck with registration, account, login or username problems for which you can find no solution, then you can use the Contact Us option to request assistance.
  • feel free to post a query in the Help and Guides Section for any issues, problems or questions you might have. We will try to help you out.

Canceling membership / Removing your account:
  • if you want to cancel your membership and have your account removed, then make a request via the Contact Us form. This is not an action you can complete on your own.

Posting guideline:

Using the 'Thanks' button: thank the posters when you see something you appreciate - without their work there would be no VEF. But don't use short replies to say thanks for a post. Thank a poster by clicking on the 'Thanks' button on the right-bottom corner of the post you want to thank:

Make it a habit to hit that button. For many posters, receiving no thanks or very few compared to the number of downloads, is a reason to stop contributing.

Leave out unnecessary short comments or bumps. By doing this you help to improve the quality of the threads and spare us the short replies that clutter the forum without contributing real value. Truth is that members with email subscriptions to threads get annoyed by these posts and such posts also need to be removed to keep the forum going. It's a lot of work for us mods, so take responsibility for what you post and keep VEF an organized and quality forum.

Quoting posts: Do not quote the entire content of another post - it is a waste of space and only creates unwanted doubles. If there is a need to quote a post, then remove all non-relevant images and text, and leave a maximum of 2 to 3 images. When quoting movie posts, don't include links to the filehost. If you are not familiar with how to trim a quote then use the "Preview" button to experiment before you submit the reply - you will need to take out part of the code/text between the tags [QUOTE=membername;1234567] and [/QUOTE]

Reporting a post: If you see harmful links, spam or other problem posts, then click the button in that post, add a small comment about it, and press 'Send Report.' This will help us to spot and remove them quicker:

Reporting a Private Message (PM): this works the same way as reporting a post. If you are sent a private message with abusive/unwanted content, then click the button in that PM, add a small comment about it, and press 'Send Report.' It will get forwarded to moderators so that we can have a look and take care of it:

vBulletin FAQ

Last edited by Denaniel; July 3rd, 2024 at 05:20 AM.. Reason: Additions to the Do Not Post list
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Cajdav1, cakemonkey, calebedourado, CallMeMaybe, callo, CalumH, Camaro2009, camionero, Camps, Camron14, candyj3, cannon, Cantfindmyway, can_io, capcomkonami14, capricornius, Capt Lethargy, captain insano, CaptainAmazing, CaptainJack, captainkidz, captfun67, CaptOats, captpike, CaptTightpants, capuzo, Carbux, wozhere, CarlottaV, carlovito, carl_p, Carouser, carpin, Carrot74, cartepostal, CASTILCOY, castro912, casualobserver, catar, catlist1, Catmanstu, catweasel, CaveScans, cbill, cbu, cd3270, cdestine, cdrrabbjr, cebual, cedario, CeeBoobies, celebjunkie, Centurion58, Cepaku, Cephalus111, cerv3za, cesium, CETIAT, cfl70, cha5wicki, chacka, challenger17, chandos1946, Charles33300, charliels531, charlie_xyz, charlycastro, ChaseFan, chaudys4, chavenet, chazzyb5, Chazzyb95, cheech47, Cheekymonkey, cheester, CHELWOOD14, cheo1, cherkov, Scarecrow Pete, chevchas, chewtheredpill, PAWGLover, chip, chisgarabis, chknplckr, ChLlasw, ChockPetersen, cholodos, Choncron, chonwaen, chornii, chrbje76, Chris Angel, chris120, Chris207, Chris51A, Chris76019, chrisdunk, chrisgoughstuff, chrispduck1974, chrissan1, chriszilla, chromax, chuck5, ChuckDarwin, ChuckX, chumster, ChunkyRice, chunky_paul, cicciobuki, cih1003, cindercape, Clairelover, clamm66, clandestein, clapion90, Clark Kent, ClarkSuperKent, Clausen, clb44, cleanwoman, Clem, Cliff5318, Clintblu, clowny, clubreader, clydefree, CMA2001, cmfd2086, Cnith, cobra289, cocummer, codemaster1988, codey, coglio, coilwinder89, coinmonkey, coke_mule, ColdFusion, collinzo, Color-Climax, ComboNo1, CometVS, commoperator, Conillet, coniston, conmale, Coolar, cooldave40, CoolErik, coolfool, coolsub, COP11, coreyB, Corneyed, cornishiron, Corntango, Cortissa, cosmo_kramer60, Courbes, Covid, co_balt, cqnew1648, crackmachine, CranstontheG, crash_d, crazeyhorse25, Crazy ford, Crazy4theBrat, creambun, creepyolddude5, creggan, crewchief58d, CRocker, croitear, crowdpleaser, CRT208, cruise0, crystaltony, crystalwest50, cstconed, cthulhu58, cueking, cuffybert51, cujo31, cumloader, curator59, curious55, Curious91, curtis oniel, curveslover3, cutilaie, Cuuming, cuzzyman927, CVO Glide, cvscu, CWA566, CWhiz, cyberanderson, Cyberbot71, Cygni, cylnz, cymon898, cyrusthevirus1, C_hill77, d1m14, D3cEn3U, dacourt, dadda2000, daddybig, dadieos, dadrocks1, daffdaemon, DaGooch, DaGooseman, daguard41, dajaflower, dajjial, Dakadave, dakotaboi69, dalnota, Mad Koala Bear, Dan13, Danafer, dancebrigit, dandy, Dangdamang, dangerpin, danyo, danysob, DarChar, darkdalek, darkman333, darksounds, DarkTrancer, Darkwolf, DARPA, Darth Joules, dasduffer, dasher12, Dave Om, Davedawson, davehaigh5678, daveswalking, daves_1, davey25, davidcourant, Davidr65, davidvfawkes, daviesmiths, daz1990, dazaman, Dazrob, db18506, dbailey, DBird, DBob, DC69, dcbounce, dcf_0610, deadball97, deadman76, Deadpan411, Dean Wormer, Deano!, DearJohn, Decadence, Decciec, Deckard27, Deeblue, deelan, Deep Blue, Deesider, deezer, deezla2000, Defacqz, defter676, deksels, Deltap75, 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DorsDown, doublej6900, doug2533, dougs1965, Doverben, Dr Shipherd, Dr Venkman, dr.Smolett, dragjava, drakeit, Dramil, drbunny, dream4love, Dredd007, drekkschleuder, drewtx, drexax, drl123456, Dropped52, DrSerizawa, Drstranger, drumma, drwho6, DrZamboni, Dsmemberd, dtcm, dtdownunder, DTung231, Dubbya Bushe, dude12343, dudeizcrazy, DudleyTog, duke99999, dulesavic, dulux45, Dumbassgo, durandelorean, duty91free, dvddvdbvd, Dvder, dvgfan, dw23890, dwerk, Dx One, Dylan Dongle, dynedistorted, dzukisnake, E60AMG, Eagle57, EamesPenrose, earlwilde, eastside, EasyAndy, EatValsKunt, eb1970, ebemies, eboner, ebyc, edamps, eddibaybee, eddie2011, edds, eddystone9, Edenbeast, edend, EdHitchens, edipos, edison01se, edmund1, edono, Edu7675, effCup, effiefan, efudd5605, eggsalad23, egremont1789, eib fan, eintkilfs, Ekel, el Mario, Elcore5, electile disfunction, Electric Warrior, electrofreak, Elisane, Ella Thibeau, ElPapirrin, ElPube, elsumo, emelsee, emporvintage, eng12, EnglishGirl, enricochiesa, Entity1207, enzo85, eobardthawne, EPalazza, ephemeral1966, ephotographer, EPirate, erdnuss, Erg322, Eric Cartman, ErictheRed11, erik1977, erik59, ernieb, ErnstBlofelt, erolf, ErosEcho, eroticatarot, eseventies, esquire joe, Estreeter, Eu Mesmo, Everyitis, evilcartman, evilmonkey, EvilNick, evil_rabbit, ex68k, exdoc, exfarmer, Expat007, Extog, extreme71it, eyesonu457, eynhorn, ezbeard, f12004, faaldir, faethon75, Fahrenheit, fairmay1, falseye33, FalunGonged, Fammy, fan4bust, fangoria, fangrew, fanobig, Fanten, fappertwo, fartsAndBeans, fb1984, FeD009, FeeDawg, feeldesire, Feelvintage, fender777, feniks3602, fepece, Fergar, ferkoff, fernando11, FH3110, fictioneer, Fifi88, fighting_amish, FilingDutchman, FilmNoirnoir, fingerprint, finnssss, fionaclaire, fireburning, firefox353, firemako, Fisher1977, fizzmaster, flagel, flagg1209, flahurnu, flake56, Flame, FlashRetro, flatbush, Fleabag, flightline, flipflop1, flipflop2, flippeer, floepie, FloydEngineer, Fntbs, fonder sixt, footstep, Forbidden, forforefour4, forgotmyhat, Forlord, fortune4, ForzaF, fotoguy54, fotorolf, found90, Fourteen, Foxbat25, Fozzy123, Fraggle Muncher, frakacylon, Frakas, Francis Cannon, FranciscoFalse, frank69, frankhunk15, Frankster777, FrankyStein, fraser_f, frasier, frchamp, freakolite, Frederic79, Frederich Baroh, fredzeppelin, freeborn, FreeDUM, freequest, fregatten 2604, frenchfruit, Frenia99, friderikusz, friedegg2011, friend, frikelfreak, frikelfreak62, frillysliplove, fritching, fritz88, fritzhoth, frnord, Froghammer10, From, Frovo, frungy27, Frussell, Fssiii, Fun4love, funhawg, furillo, furzhimmel, futohs, fuzzboy, FVK, fx10hs, G-Type, gabriel99, gaeldom, Galanteman04, GaleKlinetsky, Gallantwarrior, gamarus, gamb3t, gammonite, gap1952, garbro77, garfy1, garnish, Garppo T, garrett22, Garthie10, GasManOverload, gav28, Gazsu8107, GB56, gbt42dd, gdg_1015, gdiane69, gecco57, geddy79, Gediman, geetee, GehaWo, Gemini37, General Halsey, Genjin, Geoffery99, geoffrey1963, georgecheese, Georgeparr, georgeporgy83, gerard58, germansausage, germoviefan, get376, Gezuntheit, gg6399, ghent123, ghosts, ghoulish40, giallolover, giant2000, Gibberish, gigilica47, gil12, ginah71, Gingerbonce, gingerdog, Gintilla, giobar, gippo, GirlBush, Girlfan, Girlfan2000, giusyme, Gladys Allova, glamorkink, Glamourtog, Glen Moray, Glen Quagmire, glenburgie, GlenelG, Gls50ful, gluesniffingmo, gman104, gnsmf, Gnu99, Goatboy66, godfather1989, godofglee, gogol2323, goingjag, gokkunfan, GoldenAddict, GoldenAgeFan, goldenburg, GoldenXXXage, goldfinger, gontrand, Gooch71, good rocking, GordonCole, gorgona, GorkyPark, Goseph, Gotalk, gotin, Goupil66, GPBurdell, gps, gr00vian, gr1pper, grandfaloon, grandique, Grandtron, granix, Graucho, Graugrun, Graybait, grayviking, grazer, grazer1, GreatGazoo, green2020, Green45, greenme, grenobler, Grey Wolf, Greystrokes, grlilgirls, grogilou, Grom2448, GrosMatou, gross3, grossnex, Grouchy, Grubhed, Grum, grundle, grunty45, gruzik, gsawe41, gty777, guard347, guepard974, Guido_Fawkes, guilaumemahaut, Guitarbilly, gunga_din, gunterguy, gutterblack, Gwentplayer, gyrog, h503543, h972794, haftus, Hailey, hairyeric2, hajq, hakala, halvar, hamham67, hana, hanadzura, Handy Pompano, hankthepank66, hanky_spanky, Happyshow1, harhar, Harley Girl, harris333, Harry07, harry1958, harry555, harrybiscuit, Hartley Hare, hat4954, hattertim, hattstein, haunted, have a question, haVEFun here, Haviland, Havinfun, hawkboy1, hawklord, HawkNose, haydensterling, Hayduke2010, haymarket, hayward, hdd, HD_Rules, Head4ead1975, headhoncho, hearseboy63, heartsboy, HeeBee, heffe1981, hehehe, Heidiho38, Heihachi, Heinh123, heinz0r, helenoftroy, helixcaps, heller110, hellhammerx, HelloHooray, hemo30, Hercules45, hermit-tech, Hermit63, Hertz, Herzan, Heyloween, hgjhjghj, Hibernatus, HighHeels1990, highwayman274, HiHoBoy, Hippychicklove, hiroshi916, Historian, HistoryOfBDSM, hitman89, Hitoshi, HiWall, hloo01, hm22, hmh1340, Hobson, Hola1932, hollyfan, hombre1, Homeskillet, hometoroost, HongKongPhooey, honu67, hoohp, HooterFan, hooterman, hooters, hope36c, Hoppy50, Horale, HornyNomad, horseonaboat, hos, hoser63, Hot Ice, Hot2Trot, HotPP, hotroddss327, Houbara 15, hovhaness, howdoyou, hoyt222, Hrny69, hrothgar, hsumod, ht1bubba, hubbahubba1, hubbub1, huberthumbug, Hue M, huggybear, Hugh Jampton, hugh77, Hugh_Wang, Hulot, humhead440, Hunoah, hunter13, hunter83, HunterBud, huntermen, hurricane4916, huskerfan4life, huxley, hypervlax, iamtool, Iblinquick, ibpopp, icarr757, iceaureus, Icegirl55555, icemaden, iceman11, iceogre, Icier, idonotloveai, ifr2lax, iggygor, Igor Rossi, igrover, IHeartFootsie, IJ001, IJAMES5677, ijklamp, IJReilly, liradelira, ilikeit, illum, illuminated, ilood, iloveperkytits, ilumar, iluvbush, iLuvit, imadumdee, Imbrium, imisstheeighties, Immy, imposing, Imrahill, incubus_78, IndridCold, indy694u, indybt33, InfiniteBadger, infiniteya, infoberg03, infoguy, Ingemar, Innocent1in99, inquisitiveeye, Inside Druuna, insiderout, Instamatic Lover, Inverted, IPKUSI, irahaha, IrishVic, Irnbru, IronHerder, ironmaster, IshotJR, ishy137, issanot, itbit, ivyy, j6251, J7b34zh, jabbatmc, jabbersh, Jaboj, jac027, jack no1, jack101, jackal-art, jackal215, jackie rules, Jackrabbit99, jacks2238, Jack_Tone, jadedjam, jad_k, jae99, Jagwars76, jaho, jaja1104, jajasaenz, Jake Gittes, jakolyte, jakslayer, jakubsten, jal, Jaleel, Jambola, James T.Kirk, james188, JamesGilbert, jamessmith8596, jandj, jankarst, Jaqdebuijon, Jason-X, JasonTodd, JavFreeDotORG, javierda, jawknee, JayDanzig, Jazz Man, jazz-aardvark, Jazz67, JazzJitsu, jazzpants, JBB3, jbc, JBE_Zorg, jblodgett, jbup, jcb317, jccoss, JCF2070, jclarke96, jdearn, jduriell, JeanSebastien, Jefe, Jeff Vader, jellis, jen's hubby, Jenon, JensenDK, jes4prn, jessie66, jesssayan, JestaFeller, jetpacksam, jetronic, jewelir, JezJez, jhenry026, jhop, jhteh, jhup, jigbeff, Jim.N, jimball, jimbobo21, jimbo_h, jimgavey, jimjim7, Jimmeh, jimmichaels, jimmy9bob, jimmymental, jimmythefish, jimtenner, Jingles5869, JiveFive, JJ3027, jjllgg, jjrather, JK2TG, jlook, jluo, jmc2000, JMCF, jmg260t, JMix, jmns12, jneagle, jnn, JoCosey, joeb, joeman076, joemma, Joemoresmonkey, joemurph12, joeuser222, JoeW, Joexster, John Ambush, john charter, johnaristotle, johnarne, johnbear, johnchirac, johnduncan, johneb, Johnny B, johnny-cage, johnny7777, JohnnyBGD, JohnnyHick, johnnyj1664, johnnymox712, johnq106, JohnSilver, johnsmith, johnson111, jomama, jondee56, joniroon, Jonno71, jonschap, Jony 07, Jonzander, JoopWil, jopa, jorge borg, JorgeHLeon35, jorsif2019, jorxe33, joseribeiro, joshua_57, jovani, jp4224, jpk112, jpn667, JRay, jreddragon9, jrjoseph, JSB1685, JSimard, jsims2, jsmithaqua, jster, JTee77, jtmonty, juanlorenzo, juckdaniellz, juda, Judgethebutt, judy, judy84, Juju62, Jules53757, julesnbob, julo, Jumong, Jumper777, junior31966, JustinsDeath, juxtapoze, Jytte, J_Alfred, K-ron, kakamusha, Kakkerlax, kal, kalfaq, Kalibak66, kaloo, kamesennin, kamilulankamil, Kands3101, kankernaut, kantuchdis, Kapazunder, kaplan, Karius, karlo8864, karnath, karst, KatieBee, Kay Parker, kaydee1657, KaylanNicole, kaytel77, kazama, kblack10, keefriff, Keeper Nilbog, kefekop, kelio, kellydog, kelt, kempie, Ken Kiddoze, Kenji123, kenmil4, KenShabby, Kentworth, kenveco68, KEV-SPIN, Kevlar92, kevster34, Kiane Dusk, kielce, killenjr69, Kilo, kilted_kid, kiltnsword, kimjun5963, KineSL, kinex88, King Marlboro, KingKeigh, kingofcurrywurst, KingofSpain, kingpinaaa, king_bee63, kink_e_guy, kirchxibi, kirill-vi, Kirk69, Kirrich, kirstenimrie, kirstensknickers, kiShtA, kissfan, kitana, kiwito, kizzy13, KKKKKKKKKKKK, Klatu 6, Klaus69, kmc7969, kn8790, Known Unknown, koi314, KOKOYOYO, komarac77, Konrad82, Koraxbear, kotenockin2, Kpwre, Kr220674, kraantel, kraisto, kratus, KraziKendra, Kris Ped, krixxx, kroy, kroywen, krtp, ktrick71, kuliio, KurtBarlow, kutter, kvzeppelin, kwazykat, KWest, kwzr7, kyuja, K_D, L00N, laa waa, laalaalulu, laboss6841, lactivus, Lacynth40, lago, lakissman, lambaboy, lambdales, lamberts, lame01, lameneshma, lamplighter173, Lance_Link, lansingman, lapedale07, lardlad, Largio, lario, larrydc27, larrymohr, LarryO, laserhound, lasombra69, latinbloger, Latvian Bob, Laura's Slave, lavagiant, lavinius, lblb, Le Voyeur, leatherman503, LeathMstrr, LeChris, led69nz, leebee, legaljanitor, leglover76, lelufefar66, lemmsip, Lemo, Leon Smith, leopards00, Leprechaun, lerasoir, leviyarni, Lewis S, lexivia, lexus5166, Lexx Diamond, lfcuk1, lfo359, lhac, lhaymehr, Lhound, liam, libby013, lightcube, Lightning-Joe, lightsleeper98, likeabletom, LilyC, limbsakimbo, limolarry, LindaGordonWanker, Lindarinda, lionel12, Lionet, liquorice, liqvid7, LiveJoy, ljabb, lleu, llorens, lmcgillet, LockeBeALady, locket, logiteche, lollo3, lollos, lomitas, london34, london62, longjon73, Lonic, look2000, loonguy, Sir Honkers, lopinare, Lord Moorcroft, Lordoftheking, lordsh, Lordyriel, lorycolla, loser1970, louseboy, love classics, Love jenna, lovebabes247, lovecrafter56, Lovegun77, loveoflearning, loveroflezporn, LovesVintBush, LoveVintage15, Lowbeems, LowerCrack, lskrutt, lsw522, lualua, luch, lucianoramon, Lucky Dawg, luckypet5, luckypierre, luddetass, luddite, lukadeana, luke159, lukey420, lunahomme, Luornu Durgo, Luren72, lurjaeger, LusciousLarry, Lustypenguin, luv2wkf, luvtoeatuup, luv_em_big, LVGfan, LWilko1982, lycorne, M-cDuQ35NE, M3ATBALL, Mac27266, macchill, macdev, Mace, Mach100, mackellvin, macmason, macoco623, MacQs, macrus, macteng, madamson, madisongrove, madmax06355, madmoose, mafiaman, Maglover, magmafan12, magpie1, MagResearcher, MajorD, MajorJuanTabo, makoshark, Mal Hombre, malaker, malakon, MalkavianJamie, Mallarky, malovsky, maltedmilk2008, mamba9977, Manatide, MancoMambi, ManicMiner, ManInMotion, ManInMotion#33, MannekePis, mannflann, mannic, Manny Fagnett, many1508, marc181uk, marcello_tot, MarcKyle1964, marilynloren, Marinus64, mariobava43, mark r, Mark36, MarkAtHome, markd64, Markk2525, markomat, Markus R, Marlboro Man, martak, Martin01, martin2219, MartinWre, martone, martsm, marty101, Marymfan, maryonex, maskesido, masteratarms, mastersex, Master_b23, Mat salleh, mathey, matt333, mattheew, mauriciod, maver1ck, mavin, Max Johnson, Max Packer, MaxBat, Maxeriel, maxsch14, maxwellsmurf, Maxximo, maxxitra, MayfairFan, mayhem5150, mcbuns, McClane, mcn44, mediaqilla, meecha80, meerhog, Megaboost, MegaBozo, megaman4, Megaweapon, Meistersinger, mekiq, Mell, mellowalo, Melros Armgo, member8926, MemoryHunter, menfous, meridian76, merlynschain, Mestameh, Metabolic, metalgolem, mevirik, mfmackpaivaa, mforrest63, Mia Cat, MiaLan, mibee48, Michael, Mick Sterbs, Microbevel2, MicroMidas, middleageperv, Middleone, midepo, Midnight Air, MightyCasey, Miguel1640, Mig_Mig, mikafan, Mike Oxard, mike phoebus, mike1960, mike502o, MikeB303, mikecm95, MikeTG, mikeydrew, mikiyrogers, mikk, Mikoh, milagrostar, milliem, milroy, Minambo, Minbari, Mindsaver, Minimoo, minky, miri, mirrorman147, Miss80sPorn, missmort, Mister Fide, Misterie, MITTALHUNT, Mj bennett, mjefferys1, MK-Scorpion, mmaarrkk123, MMarshall, mmmaster, mmoog24, mmort, Mnare1, mncyy66, moelll, Moggieme, Mogs, mohairbella, MohNom, mojereman, Mokahinau, molletonne, Moltar C2C, mombassa, monge, mongee, Monk222, monkey66, monkeyfish, monkeySEE37, monongahela, monroeb, monsieur mondo, Monster71, montee11, moobmonster, moogfooger, Moogman4, Moon Raker, moongoses, moonowl, moon_river111207, moose1, Moozz, moptop71, Mordax, wildwest08, morphillicus, moruk2008, mosa, Moshu, mosley, moster, mot, motiax, motte, moura, MOW, mowebb57, moxie, mplsnudecpl, Mr Bond, Mr.Bungle, mr2legs, mr48v, MrBiscuit, MrBlik, mrboomer, mrcat, MrConspiracy, mrerratic, mrfin, mrfixit, MrInBetween, mritsonline, mrjinks, mrjuanma, mrkgee, MrskinReview, mrzoro11, Mr_Lady, ms117711, mschofield28, msims, msotelano, mtw2022, mucowag, Mudmonster, muffman, mulmul, MunnaBhai, murph699, music5, musicity, muza, MW-YoyoMa, mxw165, myjose, mylove14, nabucconegro, nacked, nagio, nakedal, nalpunaci, nameprepha, narancha, NastyTendency, nateag22200, national_nc100, naturhuegel, NaughtyOldMan, Navvet, nazanin, nazz, nbwriter, nearlyNormalVE, Ned Flanders, nedkelly05, NedKelly2020, neeeg, neerg, neilinblack, nekroman, NelLUrzian, NeonKnite, neoprobity, nepalaritara, nerdhoff, nerf-herder, nervos, nes9191, Nethyman, netmonkey, netornmaxx, nett2015, NEUNEU, newbee, newhard, Newlurker, newsland, newton, nguoithu9865, nhy5, Niblets, nicho, nick1143895, NickB1967, NickD1981, Nicolai Garcia, nicolerules, nictip, nigel74, Nightjar, nightmaven, nightmoon05, nightpol74, NightTrips, nightwing6, Nigle, NijeZauzetoIme, nikkiline82, Nikko288, NIN, nineball, ninja1, ninjalon, Ninjaturtle, nipples, nitehawk008, nitobe, nitroacid, nkary, nkp722, nnylaker, Nobody92!!!, Nogard, Nohj498, Nolevel, Brecht, norfolkboy, normalverbrauc, normant66, nortelman, Northwest16, Not Really Me, notjoeking, notsoevildead, notsure4now, notsureatall, nowayman89, nreog, ntrl1one, nullcorp, Numerous One, nunono, Nutjob, Nutster, nuttzaboutbuttz, oakhill, obama66, obidijus, obsexed, oceandrop, ocelot777, octobers_edge, Odaat, Oddball80, Oeuvre, oewaa, Office Boy, Ogga, OH1970, ohfo, ohforf, ohmss1956, okelly7221, old alal, Old Dog, old man, Old Punk, old.shatterhand, oldaroke, oldbutgold, Oldfogey, oldperv, oldsarge7056, oldschoolmetal, oldtimmer, olskool1, olympicslam, Oma, omarion_08, OMGPr0n, omodeling, omoloy, onajeeb, onedaycosplay, onehourplus, onelucky1, onks, onomachus, onrfp7, onthego, Onyer, oodaloop, OofyProsser, oopsmaniac, operatorc, Opique, Orange, Original, ork, Orphanela69, orthogonalone, Osiriz, osoronoso, otiscleotus, OtisOne, oulie, Outdoorsman561, oveug, OWL(acronym), oxana, oxen, oxmanuk, Oxxbridge, Oyer, ozboob, ozmre, ozzydoggo, p0rnking, P37, p4l4l, pabloup, pachislara, Pacific55, PaddyWhack88, Padlex, pageophile, paisleykitty, paja-patak, pakarado, Palerider9992001, palo5, palomino, PamAndI, PAMguy, panasqueira, panatis86, pandor, Panther6688, papa bonk, Paperfolder, parponby, parson, party1999, paskel, patatim, PatentHappy, pathetic, Paul Dale, paul163, paulguess, paulm10, paulnelson, Paul_25, pavlika, pawele, pazcha, pbdaytona, pcaca, pcalisou, pdx94102, peach8, Peapod, Pedro24, pedrofp, pedropornman, peeche, peedy, peelie, Peete54, peeter37, peggywoo, penmarker, pepeveryhard, Pepper II, peprtom, Periapsis, perseo, persimmon, Pervert3D, pessy, peter edwins, peterpannen, peterpipe, peter_pp, petfruitcar, petras77, pewacker, pfzgwqzanx, pgdrinky, pharos, pheonix077, Phibz, phil zildjian, Phil64, phillipt, PhoneRanger, Phr3d, Phun, picaddict13, piddler1, piercedoc, pierre6, pierrelm, pietpompies2, pigvomit, piistonpig, piji, pingador, pingping08, pinguin1967, PinkBernhard, pinker, Pinkpapercut, PinupAddict, pippahh, pippey, Pirate42, piratepete900, pisljica, pisljomirka, pixboy, Pixelman, pixeln7, PJay19583, PJayBr, PJJoo, pjotter111, placebo72, plank75, platypus rex, playboy01, Playboymagz, player123, playm8s, Playtime88, Pleasure, pleb, PM4EVER, pmabcd1234, pocimix, pogran, pojimmy, pokerdex, Polart, polly26, PoloMintGuy, polsteragent, poly004, Polyfilla, polyglot, ponedelnik, ponky, ponrapeter, poolbeer, pooool, poor_boy, Pops, porkychip, pornadict6, PornDynamite, pornluvr08, porno1357, Pornoiten, porno_lurker, PornStarClown, PortPilot, potica2011, powerman, poxipol, ppmorganb, ppn27, PraDecon, preset123loveH, Princess Amy, privateguy, Professor Ale, proowog, Protos33, prrss, psavi, pstb, ptu73, publican, pudpuller, pufnut, pugna, Pukindog, puller690, pumuckels, Punterlot, purpleknight, PussyHound, Pussykingen, Puzzler234, PWRmad, Pyklet, P_Flash, qazxsw, qes0000, QFPictor, QQQboyz0694, QrisiS, quakeroats, queconejo, queefer_sutherland, query560, quijote, quimby, quisestu, qumquats, qwiterite, QWS, r1946, r8nd0m, RABBITT, Racer xxx, Radar Love, Radioguy76, rafael44, Rafe, rahela, raincoatDK, Raised by Porn, rake, Ralph Snart, ralph spoilspo, ramarama, ramolino530, rampant, RandallStephen, Randy Coxburn, Randy Guy n Gal, randy31, Randy_Mann, rangorox, ransom2me, rare1, rarej, rataplan, ratsor, ravenlord359, Ravenswing, ravikam, RayDavies, Rayka, RAYman777, rayos, RBlack, RbofSc, rc996, realalone, reaperfunkss, reclgks1, reclgks2, red exposure, redblong, RedDust, redfive, Redmen2021, redram, RedRumRunner, Redskinluver, redstone44, reea, Refhand, regboz, regmefast, regurkiv, reilover, rema1963, remax, Remmusetum, Repentant, replicant, Repoman69, retroanalyst, retroboywonder, retrofanman, retromike, retronut, Retro_Gamer, RevMisery, RevWGH77, rewbear, reyc, Rezzz, rf3000, rgps57, rhaolin, rhj619, Rhodiola, riachomolhado, riccaardo, Richandy, Richard0, richmon, Richmond142, rick ace, Rick Danger, RickSaft, rickterfan, Riconak, ridicool, rikdik, rikiki, rikkinadir, rinkyd, RinTinBox, rio, risen, rivaldo666, RjG57, rjob1, rkraus, Rkristafr, rmbmlb, rmutt, Road Dogg, RoadGames, Roadrunner13, Rob1n, robbie71, robbyramone, RobertElectricity, robeston, Robin84, RoboDave77, Robson1982, robstroker1788, rockernut, rockhauler, rocksteady72, rockystone, rodak, rodenx, Rodster363, roedma99, roger dogger, roger74, rogerleon, rogerroger23, roger_whole, rohitshetty, Rolf Steiner, Rolocat, rommie, Romulus2, Ronzzr11, Rooboyz, roonx, ropape, rorubby, rosannaplanner, rosestone, Rosso6, rosteph23, Rothmann0211, Rotzopop, rover83, royaddams, rpenthotal, rpsaturnal, rrapid43, rrenzi, rs007, rscomponents, rtr79, ru469, rubberjohnny, Rubinski, rubys, Rudolf777, Rudy 10, Ruffah, ruffroundedges, Rumsas, rungnaes, rupertramjet, ruraldevelopment, Russell_Nash, rustler, Rustysaintjohn, Rutland, rwbergerson, RWPrivate, Ryansr5ex, rykir, Ryoga2010, ryokui, rzarekta, S0ldi3r, Sabalom, Sabellus, Sabre979, sadex, sadopaideia, saileunglau, sailstu, Saint Johanit, saintrick, sak, Sallyannfan, salty34, Sam Loomis, Sam Spade, Sam Therapy, samday, sami_sam, sammler, samthemix, samyws, sandhunter, sandreas, santacam, SanteeFats, sasja, satinhyde, satyr70, saum02, sausagescelebs, savager, SBPhoto, Scbyd, schnorchel, Schpanckie, schrode, SchuckUFarley, Schwitz, scirea1964, scolicious, scotofia, Scott T, scoundrel, Screamingdog, screenthemes, scroby, scrootch, scrumbo69, scullyfbi, sdm_9999, Sdn-Ldr, sdreams, seagal99, seaman73, seamus_ali, search, seattlemike, Sebastian77, seducedx6, seigmann, Semenizer, seneca2, senior amator, Sergeant D, Serious Sam, Serpentin, servietsky, seven11, Seven49, sexer, SexObjex, sexygirl21, sexystranger, Shabbynerd, Schenker76, shadzlane, shah99, shai2emma, shambo1969, shane515, shaoli, sharkdog, Sharkhunter, sharky65, shaun2503, shawnot, Sheernessie, Shepard8, shermankeres, shifty15, shiloh, shinyr, Shiseiji, shiva811, shlomotvr, shompa, shonafan71, ShooterMcGavin, short, shrdluetaoinshrdlu, shultz70, ShutUpLutz!, sicko, sidalex, sigaea, signal, silenced, silent, silentroamer, silentype, Silicone Carne, silkcult, Silklover, silksheets76, Silver Lakes, simes, The Pie Man, simonseeez, simonsez, simonsez9, SimpleEros, singhsingh, singles, Sir Spender, sirgarfield, Sirgerald, SirKenneth, SirVaginal, SirVantes, sirwolfgang, SiScGo, siski, SIT, Six-Echo, Sixat, sjokolade, Skrap Drawoh, skulker, Skull Archives, Skyjammer, skyking1, SkyPilot, Skyraider, skysthelimit, skystyle121, skytower309, Slayer80, Sleaz, Sleazoid, sleepytiger, sliceman, Slinker, slitlapper, slongo, slormella, slowdiver, slowkums, slushpuppy, sluTTY911, smabuk, smacintosh, Smart_Alec, Smedhurst, Smegmut, smiksmaksmok, smithmb, smithwinston, Smoothandsilky, smulders, smurfchess, SmurfStlouis, Smut King, smutwerx, snapstruly, snarfusmaximus, snessuk, sniper1, Sniper100, snootsir, snorful, snotboy, snowshoes, Soepie1983, soez4u2do, softmach, soi, SoIGotTheGroov, sojus3, sokol001, Solaron1, solidstate, solix, SoloPillan, sombrabr, some1else, SomeGuy269, Sonnet, sonny, sonofagunn60, sony74, delicasalat, Sophis, souffle, soulcrusher, soulreaper, sound freak, souptree, southernboy, spacecadet, spaced, Spaceman497, spam691, span4f, Spannerman, Spargel, spark-gap, spark54, spark606, sparks27, sparky5874, sparkybones, sparky_88, spartaneric, SPB1234T, spearmann, spectre68, spedecorpse, Spermanlypsaja, spicoli, spider1914, Spike0069, SpikeCB, SpikeGhost, Spikeychops, spitmark9, splibber, Spodey, spokes11, spoonfedmonkey, spotspot, Spruce, Spunkmeyer, spurious, sputnikf2, SquidMann, Squirrel77, SRSobotka, ssitm, sspam60, St Bob, staaar, stalkerazzi, starcatcher, Starkos, starperd, StarPower, StarSkinGazer, Statler6, Stealth, Steamtrain1, SteamTrains, steevy, StefaNo1, steph101, Stephanie Bews Fan, stephen1966, stephen813, sterling1961, Steve of Spade, SteveLee45, StewPid, StickF, Stiefelspritzer, Stilicho 405, Stinky240, stnim, sto, stocherle, stock79, stojan08, Stone1981, stopper38, stormgrim, Storm_breaker63, stowen, Stranded, strawtop, strgzzr, Strider78, stroscani, stubby131, Stud Hungwell, Studley Doright, stuffin, stumpie92, stunned, SuffolkInExile, summaluva, sumodiver, sunburst, sungirl1403, Sunny63, sunnysky, sunnysun1, Sunryzer, supakev, superbird, supermonk, suppppp, Surefoot899, surewood, sus68, Suspender, suzeki, suzi217, svcoupman, sven71, SvenStu, svga, svoda, sw0495, swanklover, SwankMan, sweatyhat, swede1, Sweet Tooth, sweetfire83, SWF, swg_uk1, swift123, sylsta, SylviaFanFin, symian, syokoyama, szch, sztar1987, t0ne, t12z33, taarakond, tabler, taffy2, Tages, tagsver, talky-tim, tallpaul11, tallyman, tamaodnsh, tamotsu kumano, tampabikeracer, Tanaka, Tangent57, Tangerine Dream, tanimiso, tantalus1970, tapik, Targon88, tarlcabot23, tastar, taube123, Tavern, tbonedeluxe, tbp1138ex, Teaman, teatsfan, TechKen, TedDrake, teddyo, Teddysex, teeepeee, teenlover1991, tempest66, tempteduk, tenfan, tennisdoc, teodz1984, teppo tepponen, terasato, Tester2010, testrange, testuser4711, Tex88, Texastoyz, texb69, Texxx, TfrangerJ2, ThatsMe, thatsnotagoose, the cruiser, the flu, The Milkman, the pope, The Porn Ninja, the real McCoy, The Roadwarrior, The Stamper, The Wolf Man, TheAbnDude, TheBare, thebbwguy, thebluesmurf, TheColumbusKid, thecossack, thedancingbear, TheDogThatDidntBark, Thedragon1974, TheDrsin, thefeatheredsnake, theFlaneur, thefox, thegavel, thegmanhimself, TheGroper, thehamme, thehouseflogger, thejoyoflife, TheKillerMan, TheLoneBeagle, Thelypteris, TheMgt, TheMOF, Thenewger, TheNewNumber2, Thengit, theorigmonique, theotherlarry, thephantom, TheProvert, TheSelector10, thetacmanuk, thethirdleg, thethrill92, TheWHIZZARD, theydidwhat?, The_Archivist, thither, thomober, Thorcicle, thor_rjc, thosrift, thotro, thoughtfulthot, thrabbler, Thrashoholic, three119, thumper001, thunder911, thunderfly, Thunderhorse-k240, thuxatra, thx2012, tibby2000, tieols, tiffanyabstar, tigerhsu, TiggTech, tightus, tihy12, TikiBeavis, tilden, Tiltanic, Timba Smith, timezone, time_killer, tinagrantfan2, Tinman17, Tiptopnylons, TITANIC74, tittys n beer, tjo, tkappel1, TKi, tkv95, tmali68, tmbheave, Tmee2020, TMynxObsessed, TnProPhotoGuy, TNSL, tobeyster, tobiortos, Tockloverofsatin, Toe Maar, toetonio, Tom Foolery, Tom-Nod, tomarx7, tombed, Tomd1969, tomk007, Tommycam1, tommysam, TommySwiftJr., tomred, Ton-up-Boy, tonelander, tonirambo, Tony09, tonyhare77, tootstheboss, topdownjav, tophar, topmod7009, Torama, Tornadoofsouls, torre78, tot0000, touchstone, tracker99, trackside, trad3r, traiciputra, trailerpark, trailmaster, trananh123, tranck, tranito, trauet, travelguy, trebor19602001, treehugger, treetops, Treetops67, Trip, tripper13, trippy, TRITON650, trlm6, troglodyte, trooper123, TROUTMAN36, trtr24, try2more, tsalouhidis, tseamr2, tsgtmikey3, tsunamiSD, tt-tiger, Tuco02, TuesdaySun, tuinman1953, tumadi1, tunkamiller, Turnip1701, tvcigar, TVR, twilight009, twitchy1, twizelrocks, tygrkhat40, tylertee, tysken, tyto, tyvoets, ubasa, ubertaz, ubu55, ubu_roi, UdderLover, uglybob, ulceras, uleshik, Ulfhednar, uli12345, uloth28, ulthuan, ultronico, Ulysses66, umpirepurple, uncle, Uncle Vince, unclespank, unic777, Unsettled, user110825, usere, utukku, UubbaGuubba, V1c1ous, v3ng3ance, vaccarellas, vahak, vai108, vako, valdemar2, valhalla, Valmont39, valorasII, Valtzar, vampix, Van Houten, Vanais, vannax, Varagorn, Varvig, vashna, vbgm, vbogg30, VEChris, vefan2023, vefc, vef_conn, vegabundo1, vegahall07, vegetta67, veilchen2k, veilexxx, vel2000, velcro_johnson, VeloC, velocity, VEMax, ven, vengi, Ventoux, verhovina, vespaman, vetriolo, viceking, viceman, victor meldrew, victor10, VictorTango, videodude, Videophil, Viktor78, vimce, vinbo, vincentvg, vincevaughn, vincewynd, Vinnie Fox, vintage50s1, vintageadmirer, VintageAnus, Vintagefy26, VintagePornL, VintageRules!, VintageStar, VintAGg, viola_vint, viperbr, Virgil W, vishouswolf, Vitoriex, vivasalih, vladtheinhaler, vlaxi89, Vleminckx, vmfanboy2005, vne357, vntglvr25, vo1v0d, Vocabolo, volodia, vonweu, Vorn289, voyger79, VPL1969, Vrande, vsuamier, VTR, vtrman, vulvion, vvv888vvv, wacek, waffster, wakitaya, waldhorn, waldo567, waldorfski, walker777, wally96, Walnuss, walrus1877, walt flint, wander69, wantjav, War Nerve, warddraw, Warnie, wassau, wataganza, Watashi, watson56, wavingatmason, waywyrd, Wazzock89, wbill42, webwolf2k, Weedpuller, Wendigo, Wendrome, westernwolf30, whatsup, wheelsrus, Whiplash, white trash, whiteknuckle, whiteox, whobee, WhoDis912, whop, whyioughtaa, whynotman, whytom, wictor, wiener, wigmoe, wildthing271, wildwesttroope, will101, WilliamHarry, willie69, Willimann, willimichl, willrobert, Willslibido, Willy1962, willy359, willymccoy, will_u, wiltsmale, winebeavis, wise47, wit09, wlwlqo8, wobblewood, wolf33, wolfman36, Wolfmoon69, wolverine06, Wolves, wonderingaloud, Wonderlust, wonhung, Woodsie1947, WOOF!, Wookiee01, Wotsit, wow1968, wowzuhhed, wpan, Wrath786, wrecked9, Wrinskelle, wunderbaum, wwowa, wycaify, x-Pn, XaLcS, xamander, xandermander, Xavier Xavier, Xaxaran, xcsler, xertz, xetac, Xexemedes, xfire, xgranny, xiosensei, xman56x, xmanlolo, Xplicit Conten, xrarman, Xrossbones, xsmartx, XsxsX, xxDoomxx, Xxphd, xxxpornmikele, Y draig goch, yakumo, yamizero, yankev, yDavih, yelloadu, yellowbell, Yersat19, The Unknown Libertarian, Yidmeister, ylbmewh1, yogi bear, yogsoth235, YokohamaJo, yollomm07, Yomino, yoohoo, ypsihick1, yuiop, yukonlyc, yuns, yupowert, zab79, Zabulus, zanepoyner, zanuda12, Zavant, zdorotin, zebedy, Zebra155, ZechsB, zeddcontra, zeddman, Zefrem23, zeitgeistheist, zeke654, zetaho, Zetes, zguy, Zhoom, zhu46, ziffermaster1, ZiGZaG2007, zinkton, ziocann, zippyzip, Zlatk, zoltz50, Zombra, Zondagschot, Zorba, zorer, zorlegal, zorzone77, Zot, zozix, zozzino, zukenzi, zusia, zwaik, zymurgist, zzcbjr, zzzero

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