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Old April 15th, 2024, 05:37 PM   #21
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Exclamation MOnday (April 15th, 2024) Measles updates: New exposures new meqasles....

It's another week, and the measles are in full bloom, not only in the United States, but across the world.. Let's dig into the news shallwe?

First up We'll go overseas to our neighbors across the pond, most notably, London. According to The Independent ,News out of London, London, now has the highest case count when it comes to the measles overtaking the West Midlands by leaps and bounds...And this is putting all doctors in the National Health system on High alert, as the numbers of Cases have literally risen to a point where the number of cases now are at an all time high that hasn't been seen in 2014, which is at least 10 YEARS. The last time London has ever seen numbers this high was back in 2014...

But that's just London, Let's move to another place: *Spins the Globe*

1. Kazakhstan: 27,280 cases.
2. Azerbaijan: 26,744 cases.
3. Iraq : 20,469 cases.
4. India,: 13,523 cases.
5. Yemen: 12, 785 cases.

And these are just the top 5 "Hot Spots" when it comes to measles currently. But countries like Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, The Russian Federation, Ethiopia , And Indonesia, round out the top 10, but those last 5 have at least 9,000+ Cases each.. When you add just these first ten up you get a whopping total of just these 10 countries, of at least 100,000+ Cases.. And that's not counting the other countries around the world.

Most of these cases are because these countries either lack the vaccines necessary to quell the virus, or the medical services needed to treat them.

And remember this: Measles has a 20 - 40% mortality rate in these countries... so for every 10,000 cases, you're talking about 4,000 people dying from this disease.. and that's as of a week or so ago.. You can read up on this right here on the CDC Website.

Now even though America has 121 cases currently, we're getting a lot of instances of "Exposures" to the measles, and in fact Let me get into some of the Cities that are being affected by Measles..

Let's start with Chicago... Sure we know that Chicago is a hot spot currently, but people don't know that some of these cases that are now showing up in the suburbs are not even related to the original Immigrant shelter in downtown Chicago.. A lot of them are showing up in schools, in places like Cook County, as well as DPageu County, Both Sub Counties of the Chicago Metro Area... And this is both Courtesy of CBS News out of Chicago, as well as the ABC News Affilate, also out of Chicago.

And like I states, none of theese new cases came from the shelter... these are fresh...

And then we jump over to Los Angeles's and right now the Public Health For the County of Los Angeles is on high alert as well. Why? Because i found Not 1, not 2, but 3stories, one of which is the Los Angeles Times, s confirming of exposures in places like the Santa Monica Pier, not to mention Universal Studios.. And this came from just 1 person.. A traveller who came in from overseas with the measles in tow.. And knowing that, , he or she has moved around, not realizing they're starting to infect people , left , right , and center.. (or at least exposing them to measles..) and if they did come in from Overseas, you might have up to another 200-300 people off one flight , doing the same.. And each can infect anywhere from 12 to 18 people, in one go.. And if you think about it.. ABC News out of Los Angeles has a video that Confirms that the one traveler was in fact near the Gateway Sheraton near LAX, (Which suggests to me , they came from Overseas, if not regionally or even just from out of the county.. Where they came from is not being disclosed, but if it's the ooverseas International Corridor, then you can imagine that this person was infecte dwhile in flight to the US, or they infected others on the flight.. (And so we could be looking at 200-300 passengers getting off at LAX, or , Taking other flights.. and you can get out your calculators in order to figure out how many possible infects there could have been And remember when I said, 3 different reports? I kind of lied there.. There's at least 7.... And if I put all of them up, you would say.. "Holy S**t! This is serious!"

And if you think that's crazy, here's the real reason as to why we have such LOW (and i mean really low), vaccination rates Courtesy of this NBC news station out of Cincinnati, Ohio.

And this story right here, brings us full circle on qall of this..

Because the first article from the CDC and this one, point to a rather interesting thing on why Measles in the US is spreding..

it's because of 4 factors..

First, it's COVID-19. yep Good Old COVID-19 has helped parents put off or delay their kids shots for the measles.. (and if the parents are unvaccinated as well, then there's a 90% chance they'll get it too...)

Second, of course is The three headed serpent, namely, Fake News, Misinformation, and of course Anti-vaxxers... Thanks to all three of these things, have combined together to make a "Perfect Storm" of dsorts to help start making measles a very fightenly scary proposition.. I mean image that 121 cases we have had confirmed on Friday (Actually make that 122 now, as of that LA case), and then take that and multiply that again and again.. the numbers add up very quickly.. and in the end, we could this week see a few hundred more cases pop up all of a sudden.. Measles is contagious for up to 8 days after exposure.. But the first 4 days have no outward physical signs other than the feeling of a fever or a flu like symptom.. It's when day 5 hits, that you find out the hard truth.. You got the measles.. and how many people have you interacted with? 10? 20? A store or a bus? Maybe a restaurant, or even the hospital you ended up with..

We've seen it happen before and in the past, Measles Pandemics are not uncommon... Hell before the vaccines were produced, ther ewere measles cases every year.. ubntil 1963, when the first measles vaccine came out..

And now, you get 3 in one shot fro mthe Measles Munmps, Rubella (German Measles Shot (Better known as an MMR shot..

And yet, what do we have to do to get antivaxxers to finally drop their act, and get real.. They're putting their kids lives on the lines, (not to mention, theirs..)

After all Go back a couple of posts to Frank's post. As this is how an Anti-vaxxer really thinks... and ask yourself.. "Do I want to have my child (or myself) to actually be a statistic?" If the answer is no, the do the right thing.. Get tested for your vaccine protection, and if it shows up low, ask for the shot, no procrastinating. This is you and your child's life on the line..

And I'll finish this up with one more op-ed piece from the Washington Post..

And they are URGING people to get vaccinated... Literally begging for people to do it.. if we don't stop this right now, We could end up like being with COVID back in 2021.. We went from not hving COVID deaths to being the number 1 country to have people die due to COVID... and COVID only has a 1.47% Kill ratio.. Measles? It's20 to 40 times WORSE...

You have been notified.. Because if you don't pay your tases with a measles shot,Mother nature will call doewn her own version of the IRS...

Have a nice day, Say safe, and do the right thing, will ya?
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Old April 17th, 2024, 05:53 AM   #22
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Exclamation Tuesday (April 16th, 2024): Hey England, we'll give you our measles cases .. for yours...

Welcome to Tuesday in another fun week of the new dark comedy show, called, "The Measles"..

And today I found an article today, courtesy of Forbes Magazine.

And this one is a good one to read... As you know this last week we had 121 cases of measles here in the United States. Sounds bad I know.. But let's take a look at other places around the world again.. (And this dovetails back into that previous post...

American has 121 cases (now 124, as 3 more cases have shown up in Cook County Illinois, Los Angeles Country Illinois, and of course Cincinnati, Ohio.

(And we'll get to Cincinnati first as it'll show you how someone from another region (of the Country, or the world), can ruin anyone's day..

And we got not 1 , but 2 news Channels in Cincinnati, which are reporting the same thing.. And it's the first news report that states clearly that they person in question was in fact "From out of town".. or as they say, "an out of towner.." Which means they could have come from the next county. Or the next state. Or from another country. Because when you say "Out of Towner" here in the states, it's someone who might be bringing in a case of the measles...

But then this goes back to that Forbes article.... and this is where we should be happy we've only had 123 cases in the United States.. Other places in the world, well they're not doing quite as well..

As you saw in my last post, I showed you the top 10 places that have Measles cases and how many cases each country had... But now in this article courtesy of Forbes Magazine, you get to see how other countries are faring... And to be honest, 123 cases are nothing compared to places like Wales and England which have had... 4,200 cases...(and that'l in all of England and Wales..

But it's in this article, that you see the entire scope of what measles can do.. and when you read this one quote.. it makes you wonder... Even though I got the vaccine way back in the 1960's (Some 60 years ago), am I still even safe today? Well hang onto your boot straps cause what is said, might wake a lot of people up and rally make them think...

Here's the quote And I'm going to Bold the noted Importance here.. :

Measles causes an initial flu-like illness with symptoms that include a high fever of over 103 Fahrenheit (39.4 Celsius), copious congestion, red eyes and a rash that spreads throughout the entire body. Patients can develop ear infections, severe gastrointestinal upset, pneumonia and brain swelling.

But that's just the main part.. but it's this last part I'll highlight with both Bold and Underline that will send shivers down anyone 's spine.

Moreover, the virus can alter immune memory, wiping out preexisting antibodies.

That's right. You can have measles, wipe out any pre-existing notion that you are protected from it, just by going in there and re-writing the immune system. And if that's the case, then maybe it's time for all of us old folks out there (Myself included) to consider getting updated...

After all , I gave the straight facts when it came to the measles vaccine and the risks you run when you aren't vaccinated, and when you hve 1 or even 2 MMR shots ... So for a re-fresher , here's the details..

Chance of getting measles (Unvaccinated) 90%.

Chance of getting measles (after 1 MMR shot) 7%.
Chance of getting measles (After 2 MMR shots) 3%.

I means the MMR shot isn't full proof. but it reduces the chance of getting the disease , significantly. And if you want to know what your risk level is, you can find out just by asking your doctor to give you a simple Blood test to check your levels.. It's quick, easy, and only a little bit of pain (when they sitck the needle in you to get the blood). But if the results come back you do need a shot (or 2) then by all means do it...

oh and one more bit of info about measles, and here it is:

[QUOTEPeter Hotez, researcher and professor of pediatrics, molecular virology and microbiology at the Baylor College of Medicine, warns of the seriousness of a measles infection, which 20% of the time leads to hospitalization.][/QUOTE]

and that too is correct.. You get the measles, you got a 1 in 5 chance of ending up in the ER or worse an isolation bed... After all Doctors and nurses don't want this stuff.. You cough, or sneeze, and measles goes flying everywhere.. and if they touch you unprotected, and then touch their nose or mouth, or even rub their eyes, well guess what? Another infection...

(I tell ya Measles is more along a Doctor's nightmare as you literally have to suit up in a bio-hazmat suit, not just the masks and face shields either..

In all measles is like "the Honey Badger" of diseases.. It's so bad ass it doesn't give a**** who it infects... And believe me, we don't want 123 cases. We don't want 4,200 cases, hell, we don't want the 27,000 cases.. Heck, No one wants the 100,000 + Cases right now going aroun dthe world..

And I'll close this out... Measles has a Reproduction/ Infection Number (The R-naught number) of anywhere from 12 to 18 (15 being the average..) and is one of the highest , if not the highest Infectious diseases... But luckily it only has a 20% Mortality rate (which is way worse than the 1.47% COVID had...

So yeah, Measles is 20 times worse than COVID, has a high Infection rate, and if unvaccinated, you got a 90% Chance of getting.. But with a little preventative work with your doctor you can still drop it to 3% chances of Infection (The MMR shot, isn't 100% Effective... Just like the COVID shot isn't...) but then nothing is 100%.. oh yeah except for one thing.. DEATH...

Cause I hate to hear of a child losing their life to measles, but it's worse to hear an adult end up doing the same thing.. And it's all because we've gotten careless, and not played by the rules.. As one guy said, "We think we're invulnerable, but when Mother nature unleases her fury, even in a thing like a tornado (or a disease i this case), it humbles us a little bit that we can't right nature.. and the only thing we can do, is in fact respect it..)

Because in the end, when you see the red blotches on your face and body, it's almost as if you saw "The Dead Man Walking" tornadoes.. if you see them, yo umight just die... Especially when it comes to measles... But with a tornado? it's absolute...

And I'll end it with that..
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Old April 19th, 2024, 08:46 AM   #23
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this one is a BIG part of the problem.

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Old April 19th, 2024, 01:15 PM   #24
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Question Shall we play a game of Russian Roulette when we go out and meet infected people? Cause you never know..

Originally Posted by FrankDobe View Post
this one is a BIG part of the problem.

And you know.. YOu're right Frank.. In fact, as a gift, I found this little article that has a nice little cartoon that shows you how bqd it could get... After all this little pictorial actully shows little red spots on each page that represents measles.. and each little spot is just sitting around people.. all because 1 guy didn't get vaccinated.. You can find it here.

or to quoe a famous Horror villain...

"Would you like to play a game?"

Because right now, people are playing he world's biggest game.. you have 8 billion people, and one of them has the measles... and he's moving around for up to 4 days meeting people and spreading a disease around... and the resal question is.. Will you be one of his Players (or should I say, "Victims"), because every time you meet a perosn you have a 90% Chance of being infected, if you are totally unvaccinated... that's right, 90%...

But if you are vaccinated, (At least once), your odds drop from 90% being infected to just 7%... and if you get 2 shots, then your odds drop to just 3%

So then , which do you get? 90% Infection? 7% infection or just 3% infection?

oh and to put a twist on this.. I'll let that villain say one more thing..

Choose or get sick, have fun...

So yeah, it's not a game of just getting sick, but a chance of actually dying.. and in this case, if you are immuno compromised, you have a 1 in 5 chance of ending up in the hospital and a 1 in 5 chance of dying from the measles..

I personally don't think any of us want to end up in the hospital. or worse, dying...

After all this isn't a game, it's real life.. but what can happen in real life, can happen in a game, and vice versa... (It's a little idea that i know of), after all one game one time had the same issue and 2 million player characters died...

And yet 15 years lqater the real thing happened, and just like the game, 7 million people died.. across 7 continents...

like I said, contagious diseases are not a game, nor are they to be taken lightly... So if you love to play games, go right ahead, becaue there's another game out thee, some people pay and lose at.. It's a little game called

"Russian Roulette".. You nkow the game.. the one with a gun that has 6 chambers and 1 of those chambers has a bullet in it..

But in the measles version of it.. all but 1 chamber has a bullet in it..

Now then , if you knew these odes, would you put the gun up to your head , and pull the trigger? I bet a lot of you would say,

"What am I crazy to play this game?

I know that I wouldn't want to play that game.. No one does, especially when you have someone sneeze of cough in your general direction... After all Any disease can kill, just like a bullet.. But then people ignore this.. and what's worse, they ususally play Russian roulette on a daily not getting vaccinated, by not wearing a mask if they are sick, and above all, the don't care...

That's a sad state of humanity.. If people are so self centered and uncaring.. then I guess the world wants to die..

But the next timeit could be worse.. Measles is treatable..

But Marsburg isn't... No cure, so literally you're playing with a leaded gun..

Think about that the next time someone sneezes or coughs.. Or it could be the bird flu.. or ebola.. you get th idea..

So have fun thinking about this the next time you go to a Sam's club, or the local grocery store... or a movie..

I'm not tryng to scare anyone, but state facts.. And facts about a game isn't a game anymore.. it's the one thing we do every day, it's a little game called "Reality"

And I'll leave it at that.. Oh and Frank? Have fun with that Comic strip.. It's a real true story that doctors say on a daily basis..

Last edited by Tucsoncoyote; April 19th, 2024 at 01:31 PM..
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Old April 23rd, 2024, 08:11 PM   #25
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Exclamation Weekly update on Disease: April 23rd 2024. Measles, Bird Flu and More..

Time for another weekly update on the other non-Covid-19 infectious diseases out there, and this week, we got a ltitle bit of measles, and a whole lot of bird flu going on...

Let's star off with the little bit of news for the measles first, then jump to the Bird Flu second..

Well for starters some good news from the measles front.. it seems that Measles this last week went up to 125 cases confirmed, but from the previous week of 121, that means the measles increase is only a 3.3 % increase from the week ending on April 12, 2024. which is a good thing...

But now for the measles bad news (Courtesy of ABC), It appears that at a children's museum in Indiana had an exposure event back on April 8th, 2024, during the total solar eclipse..

But that's just one story.. Another shows us that even West Virginia get their first case of measles since 2009... which is 15 years ago.. And this story
comes from WBOY-TV Channel 12, The ABC affiliate out of Morgantown , West Virginia.

Moving on to the measles front, we got Philadelphia we got the health department there tracking a measles outbreak as well.. And this is couresy of the ABC Affliate out of Philadelpha...

And now we'll switch gears form Measles to Bird Flu and right now, things are really getting chaotic here... So hang on, we're going to give you some idea of what could happen in the days/weeks/months ahead when it comes to the H5N1 virus.. and some of it isn't good...

First off we've all heard about the cows starting to transmit bird flu to humans, Well the UK's Telegraph newspaper is showing that America's viral detection systems are a bit behind on the loop as it seems that the Bird Flu may have been in Cows over the past year, especially when it comes to the Highly pathogenic version, H5N1.

and to back this information us, the University of Minnesota can confirm that the USDA has indeed been slow on their reporting to the CDC about this..

But what's more concerning is the report from Food Safety News, (FSN) about the possible existence in both Humans, and otters..

You may be asking "Why Otters?" well Otters are a subsection of the Mink/ferret/weasel branch, and as you know it can be easily transmitted between this one particular genus and thus if that's the case, then the entire threat is now slowly becoming reqal... and this could have some consequences if humans start to have that "Community Spread" issue we had with COVID...

But that's just the half of it.. the other half of this worrisome issue is that if let's say we had a massive outbreak that was quick and fast, According to CNN, this means that at best we could have 1 in 4 people getting a vaccinte that is both Safe and effective and at worst 1 in 5, or 20 %. And tis ties back into measles and the calcines there... because of tis, to be honest, some say we are ready to fight this bird flu, while others, like the Washington post aren't so sure, As well as the New York Time.. it varies from Opinion/Editorial to Opinion Editorial , with the Wachington Post saying "We're ready" to the New York times saying, "Maybe we should vaccinate the kids right now..."

Like I said, Total Choas when it comes to the bird flu...while measles is still trudging along, slowly moving from place to place..

I don't think it would be funny if both the measles and the bird flu somehow merged to make something as deadly as the 2nd wave of the 1918 pandemic, but then you never know with viruses.. they can mutate and morph into things the likes we've never seen... And that is the big danger here.. To try and adapt and adjust if suddenly we don't have 1 pandemic , but rather, 2...

That's what I hope doesn't happen.. But in this case it's a matter of If, but as for these pandemics to show up? It's just a matter of WHEN.. And right now for the bird flu, I have this final piece of news to put out there..

And it's this last question that even papers like the Telegraph are trying to figure out.. Until the bird flu starts going after us, will we be knowing how this next pandemic might end up... I t could end up 5 ways..

1. It could end up like a small pandemic killing a million or so people world wide.. something like the SARS outbreak back in 2004.

2. It would end up just like COVID.

3. It would end up just like the 1918 Pandemic

4. It could end up like the Black Death, and

5. It could up a whole lot worse..

but those questions really won't be answered until it does get here, and when it does, I'll be sure to try and get in line to get a shot.. No questions asked..

And that's it for this week, See you later this week, to keep you up on the latest news...when it comes to diseqase...
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Old May 5th, 2024, 07:59 PM   #26
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Default New Mutation in Bird Flu Virus

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Old May 22nd, 2024, 07:09 AM   #27
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As an addendum to the last couple of posts from Tucsoncoyote and tsunamiSD...

Cows in the US have bird flu - is it inching closer to humans?
David Aaronovitch
Presenter, The Briefing Room
The long-feared leap

The H5N1 strain of avian flu has been around since 1996, but until now its been largely confined to animals. But it has now jumped to cattle in America and some think it means we are inching towards eventual human-to-human infection, with potentially serious consequences.

Infected cows have started infecting each other

H5N1 first appeared in geese in wet markets in Guangdong, China. Since then there have been various outbreaks around the world where chickens and wild birds have become infected. But as Covid was ravaging the human world, H5N1 began to spread quickly, killing millions of birds – both reared and wild – and affecting seal and sea lion populations around the globe. The virus has also appeared in a mink farm in Spain and polar bears in the Arctic.

The question we were asking was where would it go next? A few weeks back we got our answer. In March, farmers in Texas and Kansas started reporting that their cows had low appetites and were producing less milk. Tests came back positive for H5N1. And this was not just individual cases brought on by chance contamination: the cows were infecting each other.

BSE taught Europe and the UK to track its cows. America doesn’t.

Since March, H5N1 has been confirmed in dairy cattle in nine US states. Scientists are still trying to establish how the virus is being spread.

“Right now it seems like the milking equipment may be one of the ways,” says Dr Caitlin Rivers, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health

“Scientists are finding very high levels of virus in milk. And so that's why the milking equipment seems like it might be playing a role.”

She adds that the spread of the virus between states seems to be down to the movement of infected cows across state lines.

Reporting and surveillance of cattle movement in the US is poor compared with the UK and Europe where the BSE outbreaks of the mid-nineties led to all cows having to be tagged.

Science journalist Kai Kupferschmidt says that in an ideal world, we’d know how many cows were asymptomatic carriers and speed up our capacity to test for antibodies in the blood.

“We really should know a little bit more and have a bit more data,” he adds.

What the case of a Texas farm worker does and doesn’t mean

In March, a dairy farm worker in Texas began displaying symptoms after direct and close contact with sick cows. After treatment he made a full recovery. Tests on the virus showed it had mutated to be better adapted to mammalian cells.

Dr Rivers says that specific mutation has not been detected elsewhere, so it could be that the virus only mutated in that case.

“As long as that human didn't pass the virus on to other humans, then it's sort of a dead end situation,” she says.

So we aren’t there yet, and perhaps not even close. But Kai Kupferschmidt says that while he doubts we’ll be in a H5N1 pandemic next week or next month, the virus is inching closer to humans.

“The reason we are not in a pandemic has nothing to do with us humans reacting appropriately in this situation,” he says.

“I think it's only because the virus, so far, seems pretty bad at infecting humans. So in some ways we are at the mercy of this virus‘ capabilities to change.”

And here’s the problem - we’re giving H5N1 a pretty good environment within which to mutate and if that goes on long enough, it’s very possible that the virus will hit on a combination that makes it well suited for humans.

What happens if humans start infecting each other

Transmission from animals to humans is very rare. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that from 2003 to 2024 there were 889 known human cases of H5N1 in 23 countries.

A little over half of those cases have resulted in death but many more cases will have gone undetected and the fatality rate are likely to be far lower.

There have been no reported cases of H5N1 in cows in the UK. Professor Ian Brown, who leads the avian virology group at The Pirbright Institute says the UK – like Europe - has very strong animal health systems that are designed to track and monitor changes in disease traits.

He says: “If something like milk drop, which has been reported in these cattle, was substantive, changes in that that wouldn't have gone under the radar of recognition, and would probably have been followed up.”

Given that, and in the wake of Covid, you may be wondering about vaccine preparedness. The WHO meets twice a year to discuss emerging strains of influenza virus and I was extremely relieved when Prof Brown told me that initial data indicates that there already candidate vaccines to match the strains in cattle in the US.

It's a paradox, but just as we have helped create the circumstances in which viruses like to mutate and spread, we’ve simultaneously become far better in tracking them and developing defences against them.

Let’s hope those defences won’t be needed.
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Old May 22nd, 2024, 11:50 AM   #28
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Default bird flu detected in Victoria, Australia

todays NZ TV news reprting the first detection of bird flu in Oz...not yet confirmed whether it is the H5N1 strain...
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Old May 29th, 2024, 12:59 PM   #29
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Default Trichinellosis

I'm not certain if this article should be posted on this thread, but it's definitely interesting...

Bear Meat Kebab Leads to Hospitalizations From 'Rare' Parasite
Updated May 28, 2024 at 7:59 PM EDT
A family meal of grilled bear meat went very wrong after six people were diagnosed with a rare parasitic disease.

The infected individuals had attended a South Dakota family reunion in July 2022 where they consumed kebabs made from black bear meat, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The bear meat had been harvested in Saskatchewan, Canada. It was stored in a household freezer for 45 days before being thawed and grilled and was initially served undercooked.

Trichinellosis is a rare parasitic disease caused by species of Trichinella roundworms. It is primarily contracted through the consumption of raw or undercooked meat from animals infected with Trichinella larvae. While historically associated with pork, modern cases in the United States are more often linked to wild game, such as bear, boar and cougar.

Trichinella larvae reside in the muscle tissue of infected animals. When humans consume meat containing these larvae, the larvae enter the intestines, where they mature into adult worms. The adult worms reproduce and birth new larvae, which travel through the bloodstream to muscle tissues and organs—even the brain.

"During January 2016–December 2022, seven U.S. trichinellosis outbreaks, including 35 probable and confirmed cases, were reported to CDC; bear meat was the suspected or confirmed source of infection in the majority of those outbreaks," the CDC report about the South Dakota incident states.

Freezing game meat can often kill species of these worms, but unfortunately in this case, the bear meat was infected with the the freeze-resistant species Trichinella nativa.

The outbreak was first noticed after one of the family members reported to the hospital six days after the meal. A 29-year-old man was experiencing fever, muscle pain, and eye swelling and had been hospitalized twice in a 17-day period, but his symptoms were only linked to trichinellosis after he revealed the bear meat consumption during his second visit.

The case was reported to the Minnesota Department of Health, which discovered that eight other family members from three states (Arizona, Minnesota, and South Dakota) had shared the meal.

"The meat was initially inadvertently served rare, reportedly because the meat was dark in color, and it was difficult for the family members to visually ascertain the level of doneness. After some of the family members began eating the meat and noticed that it was undercooked, the meat was recooked before being served again," the CDC report states.

Five attendees consumed the bear meat, and eight ate the vegetables served alongside the meat, with six people (four who ate the meat and two who only ate the vegetables) being discovered to also have trichinellosis. Three individuals were hospitalized, and all six symptomatic people eventually recovered with treatment.

The CDC also tested leftover meat from the meal—which had been frozen for over 100 days by that point—and discovered that it contained moving T. nativa larvae. The larvae in the meat are thought to have contaminated the vegetables at some point during the food preparation process.

"The family member who harvested the bear and provided meat samples for testing was advised to discard any remaining meat," the report said.

The CDC emphasized that freezing meat, especially from wild game, is not a reliable method to eliminate these parasites. The CDC also warned about the risk of cross-contamination, as Trichinella-infected meat can contaminate other foods if not handled properly.

The CDC's findings underscore the need for better public awareness and education regarding the safe preparation of wild game. They stress that cooking meat to an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit is essential to kill Trichinella parasites.

"People who consume wild game meat should be aware that adequate cooking is the only reliable way to kill Trichinella parasites," the report said.

"Temperatures should be verified with a meat thermometer. The color of meat is not a good indicator of cooking adequacy."
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Old June 1st, 2024, 03:24 AM   #30
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Exclamation Rabies/Lyssa Virus: Antoehr dangerous disease.

Originally Posted by Devius View Post
I'm not certain if this article should be posted on this thread, but it's definitely interesting...

Bear Meat Kebab Leads to Hospitalizations From 'Rare' Parasite
Updated May 28, 2024 at 7:59 PM EDT


Thank you for sharing that information, after all , it's not only bear meat you have to worry about.. Eating Any Rabid Animal can also have it's consequences...

That's right Rabies.. now when you say the word Rabies, (Or it's true name, Lyssa), you think of one of two things, Either rabid Animals who could bite you , or the Zombie Apocalypse..

But until Recently I didn't realize that Rabies comes in to Forms.. NAmely "Furious" or Aggressive Rabies" And "Dumb Rapids" , Or "Passive Rabies.."

Now what's the difference between the two? Well when you have a rabid animal (and a lot of animals can get rabies, from Dogs and Chat to Squirrels and yes, even the aforementioned bear, these two forms of Rabies can both be deadly, and the way they can kill you are unique to say the least..

Aggressive, Or "Furious Rabies" is a form that actually is comperable to "The Zombie Apocalypse.. Because "Furious rabies" can cause convulsions, and violent convulsions, also the Patient becomes delierious as well as drools from the mouth (and it's the saliva you have to watch out for as it is full of the rabies.. But what is more intersting is that Rabies can not only enter trhough a bite wound, but also get into your eyes, nose, and yep the throat as well.. But a bite can be a nasty thing to say the least (This is where we hear about the good Myth of "If a zombie bites you, you're going to be dead.. that's very true.. And the sooner after a bite incident, you get to a doctor, the better you will have it. because the shots can then begin..(and instead of the 21 shots in the stomach that people used to have, Rabies vaccines are given ususally o nthe first, 7th, 14th and even the 21st and 28th days.. (5 Shots ) but it isn't in the stomach either anymore.. But if you don't get to a doctor within 10 days of a bite, the odds of survival drop dramatically.. because once the symptoms of rabies start, well you have a 99.99999% chance of dying..

But "Dumb Rabies is also bad too, becuase unlike "Furious" Rabies" this is the rabies that can leave you lethargic and lifeless, and if not treated with the same vaccine, you also have a 99.999% chance of dying as well, if left with no treatments.. and symptoms still arise after 10 days without proper treatment. So getting treatment is always first and foremost.. Also after a bite, Wash the bite area with soap and water, to help reduce the chances and get to the doctor ASAP...

But now what does this have to do with the previous article with the Bear? Well , there were two cases I found out that there were two cases of Rabies, and both of them were in Vietnam... Both the men in question, got a case of rabies, but neither had been bit by a rabid animal.. So how did they get it? Answer is simple: They got it by eating a rabid animal...(Yes both men ate animals that were rabie, One person at a dog and the man doing that removed the teeth of said dog, but he tended to forget about the saliva where Rabies hangs out at.. All he did was ge tthe Saliva on his hands and without washing them, he rubbed his eyes... and yep, he got rabies.. But because he waited and didn't rush to the doctor, he died of rabies.. Sad but true.. Now as for our second patient, He ate a rabid cat, but luckily for him he also noted that the cat was acting peculiar.. Tending to shy away from him.. but he caught the cat and turned him into a meal.. But luckily he realized it, and went to the doctor soon after eating the cat.. And luckily for him , he got the passive rabies.. But in the end, he got the 5 shots (in the arm now instead of the stomach), and he's fine.. But he'll never want to eat a cat (or a dog again).

Rabies /Lyssa is the "GOAT" (Or Greatest of all time), virus that can kill people. On average Rabies still kills 60,000 people a year, mostly children who try to approach the rabid animal to pet it.. (Sad but true), but the thing is that in those 60,,000 deaths, most of them occur where medical treatment isn't there, Like Sierra Leone, as well as the Democratic Republic of the Congo.. But most developing and first world Countries (including the UK and the US) don't have to worry about it.. that is unless folks ignore the problem..)

If you want more , I found this information courtesy of the Info Graphics Show.. on YouTube.. Here's the video and then you can learn about it.. and if you want, I can throw in another video about it as well, Courtesy of the YouTube Channel, "In a nutshell"

So yeah, I'd stay away from the Bear if I were you.. Because in the end, if the bear had rabies, well that other disease would be the least of your worries..
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